Friday, December 7, 2012

2 down 1 to go!

2 exams down and 1 to go before I'm 50% done with law school! I have spent most of my time since Thanksgiving studying. Not too exciting. Even though I have been studying away I have found the time to take a few study breaks and even cross something off my Atalanta Bucket List! 

Last Friday night, a friend invited me to go to an Atlanta Hawks basketball game. This has been on my Atlanta Bucket List for awhile. Even though I went to tons of basketball games while I was in school at Florida State, this was my first NBA game. The night was complete with a foam talon, a drum-line at half-time, a fun appearance in the stands by Harry the Hawk, and cotton candy! Even though the Hawks lost, it was a perfect break from studying! 

Earlier this week I had my first two exams. A 3 hour-long exam on Monday and an 8 hour-long exam on Tuesday. After that I need to unwind. So I decided to get into the holiday spirit and make myself a big cup of hot chocolate (if ya'll haven't tried the Archer Farms Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa mix you are seriosly missing out!), pop in my favorite Christmas movie, light my Fresh Balsam cable, and write some Christmas snail mail! Talk about a wonderful way to unwind and get excited about Christmas all at once! 

Now it's study time until Tuesday! I can't wait to be done with this semester! And I may even have a bottle of bubbly chilling in the fridge so I can celebrate being half-way done with law school!