Friday, December 7, 2012

2 down 1 to go!

2 exams down and 1 to go before I'm 50% done with law school! I have spent most of my time since Thanksgiving studying. Not too exciting. Even though I have been studying away I have found the time to take a few study breaks and even cross something off my Atalanta Bucket List! 

Last Friday night, a friend invited me to go to an Atlanta Hawks basketball game. This has been on my Atlanta Bucket List for awhile. Even though I went to tons of basketball games while I was in school at Florida State, this was my first NBA game. The night was complete with a foam talon, a drum-line at half-time, a fun appearance in the stands by Harry the Hawk, and cotton candy! Even though the Hawks lost, it was a perfect break from studying! 

Earlier this week I had my first two exams. A 3 hour-long exam on Monday and an 8 hour-long exam on Tuesday. After that I need to unwind. So I decided to get into the holiday spirit and make myself a big cup of hot chocolate (if ya'll haven't tried the Archer Farms Dark Chocolate Hot Cocoa mix you are seriosly missing out!), pop in my favorite Christmas movie, light my Fresh Balsam cable, and write some Christmas snail mail! Talk about a wonderful way to unwind and get excited about Christmas all at once! 

Now it's study time until Tuesday! I can't wait to be done with this semester! And I may even have a bottle of bubbly chilling in the fridge so I can celebrate being half-way done with law school! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Recap

In the middle of the woods down a long dirt road in the middle of Alabama...

... sits a little wooden house ...

... where 92 people and 4 generations of the Farley family gathered for a great big Thanksgiving feast! Yes, that's right... 92 people! And that little wooden house sits close to the spot where my great-grandfather, Papa Farley, built a house many many years ago. That house isn't there anymore but the land is still in the family and we gather there at"the old place" for special holidays. I love that land! And love that my family has such a special place to be together! There is so much family history there!  

It was a wonderful day! Full of family, a fun photo booth, and lots and lots of food! 

My Papa with all of his grandchildren and 2 of his 4 great-grands!

Silly cousins in the photo booth!

It was Paul's first Thanksgiving spent with my family!

We spent the rest of the weekend at my grandfather's house. It was filled with family time... 

... Christmas Cookies ...

...and little girl dance parties to Call Me Maybe! 

I probably should have been studying but how can you resist those sweet little faces begging for "Jenn-fo" to come and play! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! Now its back to studying for real this time! International Law... I will learn you by next Monday's exam! Thank goodness I have yummy leftovers to get me through! 

We did our "Russell" family Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday so there were plenty of leftovers for me to take back to Atlanta!

Monday, November 19, 2012

I need to learn some self control...

Today I was going to write a "what I'm thankful for" but that will have to wait. I have this problem (see 100 Things #97). When I go to Target I usually have the intention to buying one or two things and then somehow, $75+, later I walk out with a ton of stuff that I didn't really need but just could leave with out. And the worst part is that I usually end up forgetting to get the what I went for in the first place!

Here is a perfect example:

Today I went to Target to buy one thing, the new Taylor Swift CD for my car ride to my grandfather's tomorrow. When it first came out I didn't plan on buying it but after I saw her performance on the AMA's last night I knew I had to go get it.

Well somehow I ended up in the Christmas section and then somehow I ended up with this in my basket.

Yes. Thats a mini Christmas tree and it was only $8. Let me tell you that price was a trap! Because when you buy a mini Christmas tree then you just have to buy a cute mini tree skirt, a mini string of lights, mini ornaments, and a mini tree topper to go with it! Between my Christmas decor impulse purchases and a few other exam-time essentials, bye bye $75+! And that's the story of why I need to learn some self control. Good news though... I didn't forget the Taylor Swift CD and I had a mini Christmas tree to decorate when I got home!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

My First Post!

So I'm starting a blog. WOW! I can't believe I am really doing this! I love blogs. I love reading blogs. I love finding new blogs on Pinterest. I love pinning things from blogs onto my own Pinterest. And I LOVE getting texts about new blogs I just have to check out from my other blog loving friends (mostly from you SL). So it really is about time I start one of my own and I couldn't be more excited!

There is one problem... you see, I'm in law school and it's November. That means finals are less than one month away, and there is something you should know about law school, you only take one test in each class and that grade determines your grade for the WHOLE semester! Ridiculous I know! So what I really should be doing right now is reading for class tomorrow and studying for those darn finals...but a girl has to have a break. Some "me time" to help me maintain my sanity, right? (a.k.a. a new venue for procrastination... something I would have earned a PHD in long ago if there was such a thing!)

While school is great and all... there are so many other things about my life that I LOVE and can't wait to share on this blog! I hope you will join me on this new adventure! And don't judge all of the poor grammar and run on sentences that are sure to appear here... I can't be perfect all the time (or even most of the time, despite my best efforts)!