100 Things

1. I was born in Atlanta, GA in the same hospital where my dad was born.
2. A few years later my little sister was born there too!
3. My family moved to Ponte Vedra, Florida when I was little and I consider that my hometown.
4. I graduated high school with the best friends that I met in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.
5. When I was in third grade my family moved to Raleigh, NC for a year. Some of my friends don’t even remember that I was gone for a year.
6. We are still best friends to this day and I don’t think anything could break our friendship.
7. I have visited (or lived in) the following states: Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, California, Washington, Virginia, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, Washington DC (that counts, right?)
8. I’m not sure if my visit to Mississippi and Arkansas really count. My friend Danielle and I were in Memphis for a wedding and we had some free time so we decided to drive in a big loop through Mississippi and Arkansas because we had never been before.
9. I graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Art History.
10. At FSU I joined Alpha Delta Pi Sorority.
11. It was one of the best decisions I made in college! OBIC!
12. I am currently in law school at Emory Law School.
13. I love living in Atlanta.
14. My faith is very important to me.
15. I believe in the power of prayer.
16. I collect Christmas ornaments.
17. I love fresh flowers.
18. I’m in head over heals in love with my boyfriend Paul Thomas.
19. He is my high school sweetheart.
20. I don’t always handle stress well.
21. Law school is stressful.
22. Paul is a saint.
23. I make lists.
24. I’m not good at taking pictures. I never want to be that girl who is constantly like, “Hold on guys. Let’s take a pic!”. I need to get over that!
25. I require 8 hours of sleep. If not more.
26. Law school gets in the way of this.
27. I love naps on a rainy day.
28. My little sister is 2 years 8 months and 30 days younger than me.
29. Love her!
30. I have a HUGE extended family.
31. I do my grocery shopping at Publix. I know I could save some money by shopping somewhere else but they are just SO nice!
32. I have visited the following countries: England, France, Italy, Monaco.
33. I like sun dresses.
34. I write thank you notes.
35. I’m really bad at talking on the phone.
36. I’m don’t like fantasy, e.g. Lord of the Rings, Twilight, Neverending Story, Vampire Diaries
37. The one exception… Harry Potter. I love Harry Potter.
38. I love historical fiction books and movies.
39. I love classical music.
40. I am really bad with pop culture references.
41. I love listening to the top 40 station on the radio and I’m not ashamed.
42. Don’t ask me if I’ve heard about “xyz” new band. The answer is no. If its not in the top-40 I haven’t heard it and I’m not ashamed of it.
43. I like listening to NPR.
44.  I wish I had time to read more non-law books.
45. I am an A+ procrastinator and definitely need deadlines.
46. I like to have a plan.
47. I like to have a plan so much that sometimes I have to plan to be flexible.
48. That makes me sound crazy.
49. I like going on trips.
50. I love football, especially FSU football!
51. I used to be a football Recruiting Hostess at FSU and a lot of the guys on the team now are players I helped recruit.
52. Paul is a sportswriter for FSU so I still feel like I get the inside scoop on things.
53. Since Paul is a sportswriter for FSU in Tallahassee and I am in law school in Atlanta we are doing the long-distance thing.
54. I don’t recommend long distance. Its not fun.
55. But having a wonderful boyfriend makes it worth it!
56. I need to exercise more.
57. I don’t like shopping with friends when I actually need things.
58. I love shopping with friends when I am just looking!
59. I love online shopping.
60. I love celebrating birthdays!
61. But buying birthday presents stresses me out.
62. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
63. I love traditions!
64. I also love throwing parties.
65. In this sixth grade I starting having a Holiday Ornament Exchange party with my friends.
66. This year will be our 13th Annual Holiday Ornament Exchange!
67. The only year I didn’t have a party was when I was in 11th grade. My family spent two week in NYC while my dad was getting chemo at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
68. We stayed at an apartment in Trump Tower on 5th Ave. It was amazing!
69. This was also the last Christmas we had with my dad.
70. My dad lost his battle with leukemia in August of 2006.
71. I am a big supporter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
72. I miss him everyday but I know he lived a wonderful life and had a huge impact on the lives of others.
73. My mom is superwoman.
74. Coming up with 100 things to say about yourself is difficult.
75. When I don’t know what to wear I usually go with a black shirt and jeans.
76. I am always the last to know about gossip.
77. I like it that way.
78. I make lot and lots of to-do lists.
79. I only get my hair cut twice a year.
80. I love cooking.
81. But cooking for one is not very fun.
82. I don’t like eating leftovers.
83. I need to learn to like leftovers.
84. I like to check my horoscope just for fun. I am a Cancer.
85. Glitter is fabulous!
86. I like crafting and wish I had more time to make things!
87. I love decorating for holidays/seasons.
88. I like to eat dinner early.
89. I don’t like the music too loud.
90. I’m bad with technology.
91. And I don’t get fashion trends “these-days”.
92. I must have an old soul.
93. I think pink highlighters, colored pens, and lots of neon sticky notes a little more fun.
94. I would be nowhere without my friends and family.
95. I love “deal” websites! Scoutmob, Groupon, Living Social, Gilt Group, Rulala, Haute Look, One Kings Lane, etc. You name it, I probably get their emails!
96. I wear the same jewelry everyday.
97. I love Target and cannot leave without spending at least $50.
98. I collect nail polish.
99. My favorite movie is Shag. It is so cute and if you have never seen it rent it on Netflix NOW!
100. I love coffee. Just with a little cream and sugar and its perfect!

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